Welcome to our KidsCare (Cap Canaille) bilingual daycares
At Cap Canaille, children as early as 3 months old grow and flourish in a bilingual French / English environment.
In our daycares, we use the system : one adult – one language. Our educators speak only French or only English during the day and the diverse activities. Through this immersion, children quickly learn news words and differentiate both languages.
For babies who do not yet use words to communicate, our childcare professionals use basic sign language allowing babies to more easily express their emotions and needs. Simple signs for “to drink” or “more” are signs babies effortlessly master and use to communicate with their educators.
Cap Canaille daycare centers are open all year, except two weeks during the winter holidays, from 6:30am to 6:30pm to meet the needs of busy parents and help them balance their personal and professional lives.